Apr 12, 2021
COVID-19 Reopening Risk: Is There Legionella in Your Building's Water?
Stagnant water can be a breeding ground for waterborne pathogens, like legionella. Here's how to reduce the risk. During this...
Apr 12, 2021
Testing Buildings for Coronavirus Can Help Reduce Spread
Facility managers and front-line maintenance and housekeeping workers are focused on updating housekeeping processes and instituting...
Apr 12, 2021
How to Avoid ‘Hygiene Theater’ in Facilities
What is hygiene theater? It basically means doing something only because it looks good, rather than because it has an impact on health...
Apr 12, 2021
Hospital Airflow Crucial for Infection Prevention
One of the design shifts that COVID-19 has accelerated is the focus on how to manage a building to protect the occupant health, according...
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Apr 12, 2021
USGBC Releases COVID-Focused LEED Credits, Arc Re-Entry Resources
As part of its new Healthy People in Healthy Places Equals a Healthy Economy, the U.S. Green Building Council has released four new LEED...

Apr 12, 2021
A Healthy Economy Needs Healthy Buildings, Healthy People
Facilities managers well know connecting any big-picture initiative — sustainability, health and wellness, resilience — to financial...

Apr 12, 2021
Environmental Inspection and Construction Project to Support Overflow of COVID-19 Patients
Hygieneering has been recently involved with a team of professional construction and MEP contractors as well as other state and federal...

Apr 12, 2021
Decommissioned Hospital to Reopen for Coronavirus Patients
As the coronavirus peak nears in many states and cities, it’s all hands on deck to find the necessary number of hospital beds for...
Apr 12, 2021
COVID-19 Support Services
Hygieneering has recently been contracted to provide Qualitative Respiratory Fit-Testing and Training for healthcare providers operating...
Apr 12, 2021
What Steps is Hygieneering Taking Regarding COVID-19?
To ensure the safety of our employees, business partners and clients, Hygieneering is taking the following steps in response to COVID-19....
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